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Acknowledging the Alliance

Acknowledging the Alliance and our regional partner organizations
Researchers are requested to acknowledge the Alliance and our regional partner organizations (ACENET, Calcul Québec, Compute Ontario, the BC DRI Group and Prairies DRI) when publications or reports are published on research that used resources provided by either organization. Examples include the use, either in whole or in part, of:

  • computing, visualization or storage hardware
  • software
  • collaboration facilities
  • staff expertise / consultation
  • data sets

The exact wording of the acknowledgment may vary, but please ensure both our regional partners and the Alliance are mentioned. The following can be used as a guideline:

“This research was enabled in part by support provided by (name of the regional partner organization) (Web address) and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (alliance​can​.ca).“

If you are not an Alliance user but are using the publicly available Alliance software environment, the following can be used as a guideline: This research was enabled in part by software provided by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (alliance​can​.ca).


Notification of Acknowledgment
We would appreciate being sent references of these acknowledgments, as they are valuable to include in our annual impact reports to the Canada Foundation for Innovation. Our ability to showcase the successful use of our resources builds an important case for long-term and sustainable funding of the Alliance and our regional partners’ operations.

We are also interested in helping showcase your success stories – either in the Research Showcase section of our website or in our community newsletter – and we can collaborate on media releases. Please contact us if you have news to share about research that uses the Alliance or our regional partner organizations resources.

Email: [email protected]