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Using the Alliance’s resources and technical expert help, you can easily convert the results of your numerical simulations or your experimental data into engaging images or movies to share with colleagues, to put online, or into a publication. Our technical staff have extensive experience in scientific visualization and visual data analysis, primarily using open-source tools such as ParaView, VisIt, VTK, Blender, VMD, and various Python libraries to work with a wide variety of data types. Large multi-dimensional datasets can be visualized directly on Compute Canada clusters without having to move them to your desktop. We can help you with all stages of visualization, from preparing data in the right format to interactive analysis. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] and specify your request is related to visualization.


Visualization Documentation

Visit the Documentation Wiki for more information on:


Visualization Working Group

  • Alex Razoumov, Simon Fraser University (Lead)
  • Chris Want, University of Alberta
  • Dmitri Rozmanov, University of Calgary
  • Jarno van der Kolk, University of Ottawa
  • Pier-Luc St-Onge, McGill University
  • Tyson Whitehead, Western University
  • Weiguang Guan, McMaster University
  • Yohai Meiron, University of Toronto


Visualize This! Challenge

Visualize This! is a Canada-wide competition that aims to celebrate the innovative ways visualization can help researchers to explore datasets and answer important scientific questions. Visualize This! is your chance to challenge your creativity, experiment with new visualization tools, and contribute to the growth of data visualization in Canada!