The Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) is a national, bilingual platform for sharing and preserving Canadian research data. The FRDR service provides Canadian researchers in any discipline with a robust repository option into which large research datasets can be ingested, curated, processed for preservation, discovered, cited and shared.
Anyone can use FRDR to search for and download data, and Principal Investigators (PIs), or their sponsored designates, may create a FRDR account and deposit data for publication. Principal Investigators (PIs) and their sponsored designates may submit content to FRDR. Please refer to the Data Submission Policy for more information.
FRDR provides a range of services to help researchers store and manage their data, preserve their research for future use and comply with journal and funder data sharing requirements, including but not limited to:
- Default allocation of 1TB of repository storage
- DOIs for persistent identification and data citation
- Synchronize research with ORCID profiles
- Optional embargoes on data and metadata records
- Managed repository storage, geographically spread across multiple host sites
- Regular backups and multiple copies
- Fast and efficient upload and download via Globus File Transfer, and web browser transfers for smaller datasets
- Collaborate on submissions with other FRDR account holders
- Special Collections for research groups
- Support for multiple authentication providers
- Internal review of new deposits to optimize the FAIRness of data published in FRDR (findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability)
- Selectively share data with journal editors, colleagues and reviewers before public release
- Appraisal and selection of research data for additional long-term preservation processing via Archivematica
- Data indexed for discovery in Lunaris, Google Dataset Search, OpenAIRE, DataCite, ProQuest and others
If you have questions about the FRDR platform or service, please contact FRDR support at [email protected].