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External Training Resources Library

The National Training Expert Group has curated a list of external resources for RDM learning and training, which we invite you to browse and explore.

Please contact [email protected] to recommend additional RDM training resources for this resource library.

23 (research data) Things

Australian National Data Service
A self-directed learning program developed by the Australian National Data Service for audiences from all communities of practice who want to learn more about research data management.
Subjects include research data management, the research data lifecycle, metadata, data repositories, and more.


23 Things: Libraries for Research Data

Research Data Alliance
An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools to incorporate research data management into the practice of librarianship.


ACRL Primer for Protecting Sensitive Data in Academic Research

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
This primer provides a quick grounding in the whats, whys, and hows of current regulations and practices for protecting sensitive data.


Advice and Training

UK Data Service
A repository of advice and training materials created by the UK Data Service. Content includes information about managing and depositing research data, guides and video tutorials providing an introduction to data types, and teaching resources for learning and instruction.


Big Data To Knowledge

National Institutes of Health
Open educational resources for use in courses, programs, workshops, and related activities as part of the National Institutes Of Health (NIH) Big Data To Knowledge (BD2K) Program. A series of twenty-two modules cover a range of topics related to health sciences research data, including ethics, ontologies, secondary data use, metadata, data sharing, and more.


Building Blocks: Laying the Foundation for an RDM Program

Instruction for research libraries on developing a program of research data management (RDM) services. Instruction is provided for institutions with no program in place, as well as for institutions with existing services that want to expand existing structures into a full RDM program.


Canvas Network

Harvard Medical School
MOOC: Best practices for biomedical research data management.


Choisir un dépôt de données de recherche

Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI)
Webinar presented on April 4, 2017 in a series of webinars on research data management, conducted by the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI). Topics include characteristics of data repositories, data publishing workflows, selection criteria, and more.


Citer des données de recherche

Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI)
Webinar presented on February 14, 2018 in a series of webinars on research data management, conducted by the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI). Topics include why and how to cite, impact measurement tools, and more.


Data and Visualization Institute for Librarians

North Carolina State University
A week-long course held each year at the North Carolina State University aimed at providing an opportunity for librarians passionate about research and scholarship to immerse themselves in learning about data science and visualization, in collaboration with academic peers.


Data Information Literacy Course Materials

e-Science Portal for Librarians
A list of resources containing data information literacy course materials (syllabi, slides, curricula, etc.) designed for developing educational programs on teaching data competencies to faculty or students in the sciences.
Subjects include archaeology, arts research, biomedical, earth sciences, ecology, health, geospatial, journalism, and psychology.


Data Management & Curation

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
A guide for researchers to improve their data curation practices according to core elements: quality, preservation, access, confidentiality, citation, and tools and services. Subjects covered include data management plans, preparing data for archiving, digital preservation policies, data security, and more.


Data Management Course

University of Minnesota Libraries
A data management workshop series originally hosted in 2015 by the University of Minnesota. The course was designed for graduate student researchers to prepare themselves as “data information literate” scientists in the digital environment. All course materials are made available online. Workshop sessions include subjects of how to store and back up data, how to make data independently understandable, data ownership rights, sharing data, ethics of data reuse, and data preservation.


Data Management Training Clearinghouse

U.S. Geological Survey
A registry for online learning resources on research data management created in a collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Community for Data Integration, the Earth Sciences Information Partnership, and DataONE.
Resources can be searched for by keyword, name, date, license and cost, or browsed according to educational framework.


Data Management Workshops

MIT Libraries
A series of five workshops run by MIT Libraries on subjects of data management. Presentation slides and handouts are made available publicly. Titles include Data Management: 101, Data Management Planning and the DMPTool, File Organization, Strategies for Data Sharing and Storage, and Version Control.


Data Primer: Making Digital Humanities Research Data Public

Felicity Tayler, Marjorie Mitchell, Chantal Ripp and Pascale Dangoisse
This Data Primer was collaboratively authored by over 30 Digital Humanities researchers and research assistants, and was peer-reviewed by data professionals. It serves as an overview of the different aspects of data curation and management best practices for digital humanities researchers. 


Data Tree

Data Tree
A free online course with all you need to know for research data management, along with ways to engage and share data with business, policymakers, media and the wider public. The self-paced training course will take 15 to 20 hours to complete in eight structured modules. The course is packed with video, quizzes and real-life examples of data management, along with valuable tips from experts in data management, data sharing and science communication.


DMT Clearinghouse

U.S. Geological Survey’s Community for Data Integration, Earth Sciences Information Parternship, DataONE
The Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse is a registry for online learning resources focusing on research data management.


Données de la Recherche Apprentissage Numérique (DoRANum)

DoRANum offers coordinated distance learning integrating various self-training resources on the subject of research data management and sharing.


Education Modules

A series of ten training modules available in PowerPoint format on various subjects relating to research data management, with associated handouts and supporting hands-on exercises. All materials are released under a creative commons license. Topics covered include an introduction to the importance of data management, data sharing, data management planning, data entry and manipulation, quality control, data protection, metadata, data citation, analysis and workflows, and legal and policy issues.


Essentials 4 Data Support

Research Data Netherlands
An introductory course provided by Research Data Netherlands for professionals who provide research data management support to researchers. The course is provided in a blended online and in-person format.


Finnish Data Archive Data Management Guidelines

Finnish Data Services
A detailed guide developed by the Finnish Social Science Data Archive aimed at guiding researchers through key steps and considerations taken in proper research data management. Subjects include data management planning, copyright, informing research participants, processing data, and storing data.


Introduction to Research Data Management for Librarians

University of Southern California
A webinar recording presenting an overview of research data management; including data management planning, the research lifecycle, and key resources and strategies for liaison librarians working with faculty and other researchers.


Introduction to Research Data Toolkits

Visual Arts Data Skills for Researchers
A suite of seven online toolkits developed to provide an introduction to research data in the visual arts.
Subjects covered include introductions to research data management and data management planning, how to avoid “a data disaster”, the discoverability and reuse of arts research data, and more.


Keeping Up With… Research Data Management

Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)
A brief one-pager about the importance of research data management (RDM), designed to support librarians in making the case for RDM to researchers.


Le plan de gestion des données – Guide de survie

Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire
Webinaire offert le 30 avril 2019 par Mathieu Ayoub, bibliothécaire à l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières dans le cadre des travaux du groupe de travail sur la gestion des données de la recherche du BCI.


LEARN Toolkit of Best Practices for Research Data Management

The LEARN toolkit provides templates and case studies on how successful implementation of a research data management program can be achieved. The toolkit covers eight main topics, including policy and leadership, advocacy, subject approaches, open data, research data infrastructure, costs, roles, responsibilities and skills, and tool development. An executive briefing aimed at senior institutional decision makers is provided in multiple languages, in addition to a model research data management policy.



University of Edinburgh
Self-directed online modules on a variety of research data management subjects for researchers who manage digital data and professionals who support them. Modules provide an introduction to research data, data management plans, organising data, file formats and transformation, documentation and metadata, storage and security, and more.


New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum

University of Massachusetts Medical School
Curriculum materials for teaching data management best practices to students and researchers in the health sciences. All seven online modules align with the National Science Foundation’s data management plan recommendations. Lesson plans, course notes, presentations, and activities are provided under a creative commons license.


Planning for Software Reproducibility and Reuse

Johns Hopkins University
Online modules produced by Data Management Services at Johns Hopkins University, which provide guidance on software reproducibility and reuse. Modules cover best practices for writing, documenting and organizing code, version control, linking code to research results, publishing and citing code, and more.


Portage DMP Assistant Training Video

Dalhousie University Libraries
A brief training video created by Dalhousie University Libraries that provides guidance to students and researchers on how to complete a data management plan using the Portage DMP Assistant.


Research Data Management Learning Module

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
CIHR has developed a learning module focusing on key themes, challenges, and considerations in RDM. This module includes information, tools and resources to support effective RDM practices.


RDM Open Training Materials

A repository for open online training materials about research data management. Materials include lessons, presentations, and project materials.


RDM Training

Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
Training that promotes research data management and data curation in the social sciences, addressing research and digital preservation needs. Subjects include research data management, data management plans, data archives and digital preservation.



Continuing professional development learning materials on research data management for information professionals. Eight modules that are each equivalent to a half-day of study each are provided and emphasize practical hands-on activities.


Research Data Management and Sharing Course

University of Edinburgh
An online introductory course about research data management developed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and The University of Edinburgh. The course includes five modules of videos, readings and graded assignments. Topics covered include “Understanding Research Data”, “Data Management Planning”, “Working with Data”, “Sharing Data”, and “Archiving Data”.


Research Data Management Guide

UBC Library
Educational modules produced at the UBC Library for graduate students, research assistants, and other researchers interested in improving their data management skills. Modules are presented in a single guide and address the basics of data management plans, metadata and data documentation, data storage and security, and data sharing. All content is published under a creative commons license.


Research Data Management Training for Information Professionals

NYU Langone Health
This course will provide you with training on research data management (RDM) topics within a biomedical context. The material presented began as an NIH-funded research study to assess material for teaching RDM to librarians. It is designed to prepare you to understand and subsequently teach RDM at your own institution, and offers strategies for identifying opportunities to teach RDM in your own environment. At the end of each module there is a link to a Teaching Toolkit that provides librarians with a script, slides, and evaluation materials to teach RDM at your institution.


Une introduction à la gestion et au partage des données de la recherche

Institut de l’information scientifique et technique
This training module is intended for scientific researchers and provides instruction on various aspects of managing and sharing research data, and promoting related best practices. The module consists of five sections, each of which ends with a short quiz.


Your Data Can Live Forever: How to Plan for Data Reuse

Mozilla Science Lab
A short writing and thinking workshop developed by Mozilla Science Lab designed to help researchers understand how to make their research data independently understandable. Subjects covered include research data management, metadata, and data reuse.